Bench-scale treatability testing is an important tool in remedial design. By testing various technologies, amendments and Site-specific variables on a small scale. Using site-specific soil and groundwater samples, this approach helps pinpoint the most efficient treatment strategies— potentially reducing costs and minimizing risks in full-scale implementation. However, bench-scale testing is only part of the equation—quality assurance and quality control (QA/QC) are essential to ensuring these carefully developed plans are executed correctly in the field at a larger scale. This webinar will feature VEI case studies demonstrating how treatability testing and QA/QC can drive successful remediation outcomes.
Alyson Neufeld completed her Ph.D in Environmental Chemistry at the University of Toronto prior to joining the VEI team as a field technician and now as VEI’s Research Laboratory Manager. In this role, Alyson combines her field experience with over 10-years of research experience to continue to expand and strengthen VEI’s existing capabilities in both bench-scale testing and QA/QC processes for field operations.
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