GeoPro Talks: Hot Buttons #1 = The Conceptual Site Model
GeoPro Talks: Ecological Risk Assessment Case Study
GeoPro Talks: “Murphy’s Inference: Why the open excavation looks nothing like the cross-section”
GeoPro Talks: New methods for quantifying natural source zone depletion (NSZD) rates for the management of petroleum hydrocarbon sites
GPro Talks: Using the Triad Approach for Terrestrial Ecological Risk Assessments
GeoPro Talks: Assessment of Fugitive Natural Gas on Near-Surface Groundwater Quality
GeoPro Talks: A Better Use for Closed Landfills

Presentation will provide highlights on redevelopment aspects for the closed North Alpha Landfill in Delta. Site is now home to a 360,000 SF, state of the art warehouse Key highlights include: From Remediation Order, to AIP, to COC Methane mitigation system, design, installation and testing Decommissioning of the Leachate Collection System
GeoPro Talks: Use of High-Resolution Site Characterization Tools to Optimize Remediation Performance

Background/Objectives. Historically, many remediation efforts have failed due to inadequate site characterization and/or over-generalized and misleading conceptual site models. Currently, many older remedial technologies are being reassessed, optimized and in many cases, replaced by newer emerging remedial technologies or a combination of technologies. However, the redesign of these technologies does not always create a cost […]
“Remediation Now” Workshop: Soil management in BC – What now and where are we going?

Management of excess soil whether from construction or contaminated site clean-up has become a major impediment to development. The need to find better solutions that are cost effective, practical and sustainable has never been greater. In this workshop, we will define and discuss common problems and issues, and explore innovation solutions that treat excess soil […]
GeoPro Talks – Up from the Ashes – Developments in Management of Metals in Soil

Join Mr. Jongho Won, Ph.D, P.Eng. and Mr. Jevins Waddell, P.Tech.(Eng.) of TRIUM Environmental Inc (TRIUM) in a talk outlining some of the advantages and limitations of soil solidification and stabilization technology for metals soil remediation.