It is well established that our clean energy transition comes with an increased demand in minerals and metals; to meet this demand will require an increase in extraction and mining. This short GeoPro Talk speaks to opportunities that mine affected landscapes offer to meet energy transition and resource demand, while incorporating an adaptive approach to climate change and meeting future, or returning, land use expectations of stakeholders, communities, and rights holders.
Conceptual and numerical modelling approaches for incorporating climate change into mine affected land remediation projects are presented within the context of case studies that illustrate how a change in perspective in respect to mine affected lands, brings value to what typically are considered to be liabilities.
Mike O’Kane, M.Sc., P.Eng., MAusIMM, founded O’Kane Consultants Inc. (Okane) in 1996, a company providing integrated mine planning and closure outcomes to the mining industry internationally. Mike continues to work with Okane as a senior technical advisor, using his wide-ranging technical expertise and knowledge on risk management best practices as tools for development and communication of closure planning and project specific objectives and designs. He is an expert on the application of unsaturated zone hydrology and geochemistry for mine waste management. Mike is a director of the Landform Design Institute and chair of its Technical Advisory Panel. In 2014 Mike received the University of Saskatchewan Alumni Achievement Award in 2014 for “Global Development of his Business and Corporation, and Philanthropy
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