“2nd Annual Remediation Now Workshop – Focus on the Future: Challenging Current Perceptions and Assumptions in Contaminated Sites Management
The team of environmental experts at GeoEnviroPro invite you to join our annual one-day Remediation Now Workshop. The workshop will explore the leading edge of site investigation and remediation technologies, regulatory models, emerging contaminants, and other challenges and opportunities. This workshop will prioritize engaging and highly relevant content for young professionals, consultants, government, industry, students, researchers, and community groups. We plan to draw from technical, […]
GeoPro Talks: Why do Toxicity Reference Values (TRVs) Matter at My Contaminated Site?
A fundamental step in risk assessment is establishing what level of chemical contamination is safe. Toxicity reference values (TRVs) represent an exposure dose that people can safely be exposed to without adverse effects. Toxicity reference values are used to derive drinking water and soil quality guidelines, and to calculate hazard quotients (HQs) that determine risk […]