Dan and Tim will introduce decision science tools and frameworks and use case studies to illustrate how adoption of decision science tools combined with project management processes can be employed to optimize remediation portfolios. Case studies will illustrate how teams can shape projects and portfolios that achieve multiple owner, regulator, stakeholder and rights holder objectives, while also saving time, money, effort and better managing project risks. A case study will illustrate how portfolios can be developed to align with organizational strategies and provide a framework to estimate environmental liability discharge per dollar invested. Learning resources and links will be shared.
Daniel Schneider is an environmental scientist, decision analyst and project manager who has spent two decades on a diverse set of mining and environmental projects in Western Canada, Alaska and Western Australia. Tim Havranek has 35 years of experience in environmental remediation, restoration, and strategic business services. He specializes in decision analysis and project management for various environmental remediation and capital projects. Tim is the author of two books related to environmental remediation: Modern Project Management Techingues for the Environmental Remediation Industry (1999 CRC Press) and Multicriteria Decision Making (2023 De Gruyter).
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