GeoPro Talks – New Methods to more Accurately Quantify Hydrocarbon Contamination from Natural Background

Biogenic interference in petrogenic material (reclamation projects or spills) is well known. This presentation shows a novel, fast and effective way to determine the presence of biogenic interference in petrogenic material.
GeoPro Talks – Full-Scale In-situ (Underwater) Stabilization/Solidification (ISS) of Impacted Sediments [Kendall Bay, Sydney, Australia]

An inside look at one of the few new approaches to managing sediment since the rapid spread of reactive caps a decade ago. The Kendall Bay project is a world-first, with potential application across the industrialised economies.
GeoPro Talks – Electrical Hydrogeology: See the Groundwater Flow

This talk will look at how electrical data can allow us to evaluate water supply or contaminant transport problems. Examples will include water supply and contaminants in karst domains, as well as contaminated sites affected by microbial activity.
GeoPro Talks – Filling in Investigation Data Gaps before Remediation at Three Complex Sites

See how Ultra HRSC was used to define the NAPL distributions, a segmented horizontal well (Vertebrae™ ) was used for plume characterization and remediation, and strategic injections of ZVI were combined with innovative performance monitoring.
GeoPro Talks: Creosote Legacy

“Creosote Legacy” back by popular demand: Reidar Zapf-Gilje talks about coal tar and creosote uses for wood preservation and the legacy of contamination that resulted. The recorded Talk covers the properties that makes coal tar and creosote contamination so problematic, and presents some Canadian case studies. The case studies illustrate investigation techniques, remediation solutions and human […]
GeoPro Talks – Remediating Metals with Iron

Iron is a versatile amendment to remediate a variety of metals. By augmenting the an aquifer with iron, conditions can be created whereby metals are bound to insoluble iron solids. Iron geochemistry, site characterization requirements for design, and delivering iron into the subsurface will be described in this presentation.
GeoPro Talks – Dry Cleaners Re-Visited

Dry Cleaners Revisited is back by popular demand! Dry cleaners in urban environments remain one of the most common and difficult types of contaminated sites to investigate and remediate. In this recorded Talk, Guy Patrick re-visits some of the interesting and challenging properties of DNAPL solvents such as tetrachloroethylene. He guides us through some the […]
GeoPro Talks – Application of Bentonite Coated Aggregate Technology for Contaminant Isolation and Remediation

GeoPro Talks: Building the Geological Components of the CSM – (Geology Rules!)

This presentation focuses on the importance of understanding and applying geologic principles as a key part of the investigative process. Many practical examples are presented and discussed.
GeoPro Talks: 2023 Virtual Field School – Field Sampling Methods for Contaminated Lands Investigation

On May 24, 2023, 10-10:30 Zahra Pirani and Dr. Ian Hers will provide a preview of the 2023 GeoEnviroPro Field School, to be held June 5-12. “Field School” is designed to address key elements of field methods and protocols for contaminated sites investigations following latest guidance and best practices. In this course, we bring that […]