GPro Talks – Re-purposing Soil Contamination at the Source Site: Case Studies
GeoEnviroPro Talks – A new COC for automotive repair shop & gas bar that has a COC from 1999 – Case Study
GPro Talks – Use of Forensics for Assessing Contamination from Multiple Potential “Heating Oil or Gasoline“ Sources – A Case Study
Risk Solutions for Contaminated Sites – An Exposition of Case Studies
GeoPro Talks: Dry Cleaner Investigations & Case Studies
GeoPro Talks: Ecological Risk Assessment Case Study
GeoPro Talks – In-Situ Remediation of Bedrock: Two Case Studies
In-situ remediation of fractured bedrock aquifers used to be considered near impossible. Advances in technology and innovative field methods have now make in-situ a feasible approach for remediating contaminated bedrock sites. This talk will present an overview of bedrock remediation challenges and will showcase in-situ bedrock remediation technologies through the presentation of two recent and […]