GeoPro Talks: Adopting Digital Tools for Sustainable Remediation
Contaminated sites present unique challenges that require tailored approaches to investigation and remediation. Conceptual site models are conventionally based on snapshots of site conditions, but understanding how contaminant distributions evolve in the subsurface can provide deeper insights. Digital tools based on fundamental physical transport and biodegradation reactions can enhance these models and support decision-making. This […]
GeoPro Talks: The Power and Benefits of Using Hydrogeological Conceptual Site Models at Contaminated Sites
Hydrogeological conceptual site models (CSMs) adapted to the environmental field are often not used or are underutilized when completing contaminated site investigation and remediation work. CSMs can be an effective tool even in the earliest stages of a contaminated sites investigation when no intrusive geologic, hydrogeologic, or chemistry data has been collected. If used at […]
Introduction to Contaminated Sites
This 3-hour on-line webinar covers the basics of the contaminated site legacy – regulations, investigation and remediation. This introduction will provide you with an understanding of how contaminated sites are managed or cleaned-up and redeveloped. The webinar is taught by experts in the field and is tailored to recent graduates, property managers and others who […]
GeoEnviroPro Talks – Fill Investigation and the Conceptual Site Model
GeoPro Talks: Soil Vapour Innovation and Evolution of the Conceptual Site Model – Learning from 20 Years of Data Collection
The talk highlights the use of phytoremediation in Northeastern BC to remediate heavier end petroleum hydrocarbons (i.e., more recalcitrant compounds). An overview of site conditions (location, soils), regulatory requirements and client needs will be discussed along with the remedial option selection process. Several different plant species were planted to determine if one or more species […]
GeoPro Talks: Hot Buttons #1 = The Conceptual Site Model
Beyond Data: Conceptual Site Models in Site Characterization and Remediation
“Beyond Data” takes investigation and interpretation of site contamination to a new level, giving you an in-depth understanding of what really matters – the use of a Conceptual Site Model (“CSM”). Learn to develop a CSM from the get-go to develop focused investigations with meaningful conclusions. Gather the information needed for successful remediation. This highly […]