GeoPro Talks: GWSDAT= GroundWater Spatiotemporal Data Analysis Tool.

GWSDAT ( is an open source, user-friendly, application developed in the collaboration with the University of Glasgow for the visualization and interpretation of groundwater monitoring data. In this talk, Wayne will tell the story behind GWSDAT since its first release over 10 years ago and will explain the critical factors for successful uptake in the […]

GeoPro Talks: Visualizing Groundwater Flow and Transport – Elevate your career and support your organization’s success!

Photo by David Gomez on Unsplash

Join Andrew and Guy for an engaging discussion on the current state of practice of hydrogeology in contaminated sites assessment, and how to move the needle forward. Using examples from his upcoming GeoEnviroPro course: Analysis & Visualization of Groundwater Contamination, Andrew will provide some examples of visualizations that can improve your understanding of groundwater flow […]

GeoPro Talks: Revolutionizing Soil Analysis: Harnessing Artificial Intelligence in Site Characterization Technology

Petroleum hydrocarbons and chlorides, often resulting from spills and other industrial activities, present significant challenges to both ecological systems and human health. Traditional methods for field evaluation of these contaminants can be fraught with challenges, including human error, environmental variability, and calibration issues. Due to this, making reliable field-level decisions can be an uncertain, complex […]

GeoPro Talks: 2024 / 2025 Season Kick-Off

We look forward to our fall kickoff webinar on September 18, 2024, where we will introduce the GeoEnviroPro training team, and go over our 2024/2025 program.  We are excited to again this year hold our weekly free webinars (now in its 8th year) on a wide range of topics, facilitated by highly accomplished practitioners and […]

GeoPro Talks: Ex-Situ Thermal Desorption of Highly- Impacted Mercury Soils in an Urban Area

In-Situ and Ex-Situ Thermal Desorption (ISTD and ESTD) are technologies based on thermal conduction that can effectively treat organic contaminants, independently of large soil heterogeneity. One of its applications is for contaminated properties in urban areas and under existing buildings. The main principle of the technology resides in installing a network of steel pipes acting […]

GeoPro Talks: Online portal for forensic fingerprinting and understanding your Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbon (PAH) data

Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) are ubiquitous contaminants emanating from multiple sources in the environment. When conducting environmental monitoring of PAHs, it is imperative to examine sources of PAHs to know if they are coming from the source or sources you are investigating. This presentation will cover the fundamentals of what chemical fingerprinting of PAHs works, […]