GeoPro Talks: Unlocking the Power of Treatability Testing and QA/QC to Remove the Guess Work in Environmental Remediation

Bench-scale treatability testing is an important tool in remedial design. By testing various technologies, amendments and Site-specific variables on a small scale. Using site-specific soil and groundwater samples, this approach helps pinpoint the most efficient treatment strategies— potentially reducing costs and minimizing risks in full-scale implementation. However, bench-scale testing is only part of the equation—quality […]

GeoPro Talks: Adopting Digital Tools for Sustainable Remediation

Contaminated sites present unique challenges that require tailored approaches to investigation and remediation. Conceptual site models are conventionally based on snapshots of site conditions, but understanding how contaminant distributions evolve in the subsurface can provide deeper insights. Digital tools based on fundamental physical transport and biodegradation reactions can enhance these models and support decision-making. This […]

GeoPro Talks: Incorporating In Vitro Bioaccessibility for Arsenic and Lead in Soil in Human Health Risk Assessment

The United States Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) defines bioavailability as the fraction of an ingested dose that crosses the gastrointestinal epithelium and becomes available for distribution to internal target tissues and organs. Bioavailability data can be used to provide realistic information on potential health effects of contamination and modify site-specific soil clean-up levels. Bioavailability is […]

GeoPro Talks: Emerging Contaminants

The presentation, recorded at GeoEnviroPro’s Remediation Now Workshop in November, explores our current understanding of the sources, environmental fate and effects, and regulatory status of three emerging contaminants: PFAS, 6PPD-Quinone and Pharmaceuticals/Personal Care Products.

GeoPro Talks: Identification of New Preferential Pathways for Vapor Intrusion of Chlorinated Solvents Found by combining VaporSafeTM and Detection Dogs

The site was one of Stockholm’s largest dry cleaners and vapor intrusion of Chlorinated Aliphatic Hydrocarbons (CAH) to the adjacent apartment buildings had been identified as the primary risk driver. The results of standard investigations were however puzzling regarding how vapor entered into these buildings. To identify the cause of the elevated concentrations of CAH […]