GeoPro Talk: “Two-eyed Seeing” – Indigenous Engagement

Two-eyed seeing recognizes the strength of Indigenous ways of knowing/learning/teaching and the strength of western ways of knowing/learning/teaching and uses both experiences together toward a common goal. This presentation discusses examples of where a commitment to this approach as part of Indigenous Engagement was essential for successful completion of various environmental and infrastructure projects undertaken […]
Rerun GeoPro Talks – Don’t Forget to Look Up…or Down! Some things to think about when assessing groundwater flow

GeoPro Talks is pleased to present Stephen Munzar with Core 6 Environmental on a fundamental hydrogeology topic: “ Don’t Look Up…or Down – Some things to think about when assessing groundwater flow ”. You don’t want to miss this one! It’s a re-run from a few years ago but remains highly relevant today. And Stephen will join us live […]
GeoPro Talks: The Hurdles of Introducing New Nature-Based Remediation Technologies to Industry

Nature-based technologies for treating and conserving contaminated soil are gaining popularity as companies look for ways to reduce remediation costs and their carbon footprints to address ESG expectations from shareholders and the public. Treating soil onsite, especially using nature-based methods, is a sustainable way of remediating and conserving soil, reducing carbon emissions associated with soil […]
GeoPro Talks: AI vs. Environmental Experts: Are Humans Becoming Obsolete in Remediation Design?

Will you one day soon lose your job to ChatGPT? As the environmental remediation landscape evolves, the integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI) has emerged as a transformative force in designing effective solutions. This abstract challenges the traditional role of human environmental professionals by exploring the potential of AI, such as ChatGPT, in shaping and executing […]
GeoPro Talks: Upcoming GeoEnviroPro Courses you don’t want to miss!

Join the GeoEnviroPro Team this Wednesday February 28, 2024, where we’ll discuss our upcoming courses and provide details on learning outcomes and costs. We’ll take your questions and comments and discuss the future direction and best approaches that can help you gain key knowledge and insights in navigating today’s contaminated sites industry. Our upcoming courses […]
GeoPro Talks: Protocol 2 Site-Specific Numerical Soil Standards – Key Tips and Common Misconceptions

Since Version 2.0 of Protocol 2 took effect in November 2017, the use of site-specific numerical soil standards developed using the BC Groundwater Protection Model has certainly grown, but it hasn’t become as widely adopted as might be expected. Many practitioners managing sites in areas with lower infiltration rates have caught on to its benefits, […]
GeoPro Talks: PFAS Regulatory Flux – A Legal Perspective

PFAS have been an “emerging contaminant” for some time. As technical knowledge increases in the environmental professional sphere, is Canadian law keeping up? This presentation reviews key considerations about the state of PFAS regulation in Canada and considers questions such as: What is law and what is not law relating to the regulation of PFAS? […]
GeoPro Talks: The Top Ten List of Things Clients would like to tell their Consultants

GeoPro Talks is pleased to present Brenda Hatch with BC Hydro on the topic of “The Top Ten List of Things Clients Would Like to Tell their Consultants”. You don’t want to miss this one! It’s a re-run from a few years ago but remains highly relevant today. And Brenda will join us live at […]
GeoPro Talks: A Tour of Groundwater Challenges in the High Atlas Mountains, Morocco

This picture-rich presentation will provide insight into the challenges that rural farmers have faced as a result of a persistent drought that began in 2017. Namely, groundwater wells have dried, farms have failed, and new wells have not yielded sufficient water. A hydrogeologic assessment at 5 farms in the summer of 2023 reveal that there […]
GeoPro Talks: Lytton First Nation and Village of Lytton Wildfire Remediation – Contractor’s Perspective

On June 30, 2021, a wildfire tore through the Village of Lytton and the Lytton First Nation destroying over 200 properties. Most of these properties included either residential or commercial buildings that for the most part were burned to the ground with virtually no standing remnants. In the early days following the fires, when it […]